Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Bradentucky Journal #2

My current "sense of place" is in Bradenton, commonly known as Bradentucky. They say that a sense of place can be described as a certain feeling you get that heavily relies on the physical environment as well as the people in that certain location. Well, I'm not physically in Bradenton right now, but my heart is there. Bradenton is where I grew up and where my baby is. (My 4 year old miniature schnauzer; Kami). How can I have a sense of place when my current location doesn't make any connections with me? Yeah my boyfriend is here, but Kami is my daughter. My sense of place when I'm there can be described as feeling free and comforted. The physical environment couldn't be better either; the smell of the ocean takes me back to when I was 16 and first started driving. Being in Bradenton takes me back to when I was still with my parents all the time and never really worried about being on my own or having to worry about bills. Bradenton is a great escape, but then I have to go back to reality sooner or later. As I sit here in my room, my sense of place is calming. I'm at peace with where I'm at in my life at the moment and I'm content with where I'm going.

Sense of place can be related to an outdoor education experience in the sense that when you're outdoors learning about the history of that place and all the people that have come before you and have stood in the very same spot, it makes you feel like there is so much more to life than has been discovered. In that moment of time, you're sense of place is insightful and peaceful.

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