A Crude Awakening, a video that has eye-opening information and really makes the viewers think about the future, stated that we don't worship God or any other higher being, we worship oil. Come on, we have actually fought wars over this shiny, black substance. As we learned in the video, the black gold was a huge reason and basically the deciding factor in the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Although this black gold is such a hot commodity, many people are speculating that the gold rush will come to an end and an impending oil crash will take place, putting the economy in a downward spiral (if that is at all possible).
The 60 Minute video; Pro's and Cons of Shale Gas, shed light on the new technological advances and how drilling for Shale gas could be a useful alternative. One of the biggest issues highlighted in the video is the preciseness that is required in order to successfully drill for this gas and how human error is a common negative when it comes to this process. The most memorable "con" in the video is when this drilling company placed these huge structures on a couples plot of land and essentially ruining it's natural beauty. Now, instead of beholding the 10 acres of natural beauty, the couple beholds an eyesore that is slowly ruining their land. According to the couple, the structures were put together messily and have been leaking and oozing the substance for a good period of time. This human error is contributing to the ever-growing dislike for oil drilling and does absolutely nothing for the name/idea of Shale gas.
The article; Squeezing More Oil from the Ground really refers to the oil reserves, the amounts of oil being produced daily, and technological advances and the impact it has on us.
As with anything in today's society, technology has a huge impact of almost all aspects of life and oil drilling is no different. In all three works stated above, technological advances have a huge prevalence which leads me to believe that things will eventually get better. One of the reoccurring technologies in the Squeezing More Oil from the Ground article is the steam injection ideology. This so called steam injection is among oldest of oil drilling technologies and is constantly reiterated and reinvented. Also, another technology stated in all three works is the idea of horizontal drilling, meaning; you go down two feet then start drilling horizontally. In order to accomplish this, we would need a technologically advanced drill bit capable of completing this task.
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